07944 548379


Doggy Gone It is a professional Dog walking and pet care service. Each individual service will be tailored to the needs of each pet coming into our care. A home visit is required for any new clients to go through contracts and discuss your pet while meeting them in the comfort of their own home. 
All animals under this service will need to have a vet release form signed and dated by the owner incase of emergencies. Ensuring the correct level of care is given if anything unexpected was to happen. If any animals have any diatry requirements or temperment problems this must be brought to our attention during the home visit.

Dog walking

  • Buddy walks £10 for one hour or £7 for half an hour. maximum of five dogs walked at any one time. Temperment checks must be carried out to find suitable buddies. All vaccinations and kennal cough must be up to date *none negotiable* All dogs coming into my care will be trated with the upmost respect. we will play a variety of games to keep the dogs entertained such as fetch, and search. We aim to not only excercise your dog physically but mentally too so your canine friends return ready for a nap and cuddles. All dog mess will be picked up and disposed of correctly. We like to keep our neighbourhoods clean!

  • Solo walks are £15 for one hour and £7 for half an hour. During a solo walk your dog will have one to one full undevided attention. suitable for older dogs who cannot keep up with a pack or dogs who are not sociable. Please note any females in season will have to go on a solo walk due to safety reasons.

  • Solo walk with training £20 for one hour and £15 for half an hour during this time we will teach the dog/puppy to walk with the correct manners on the lead and off the lead. We will introduce recall training and obedience while out. All dogs reguardless of the package are taught road awareness, to sit and stay at kerbs until told it is safe to walk.

Pet Sitting and Pet care.

  • Home visits are tailored to each individual animals needs. We care for any household pet (excluding reptiles). All home visits will include the pet being fed and fresh water putting down, alongside any other requirements. A home visit starts from £10 for half an hour. £12 for three quarters of an hour and £15 for one hour.

  • Puppy Visits starting from £20 for half an hour. During this time any mess made by the puppy will be cleaned. Fresh food and water will be put down, and the puppy will be taken for a quick walk to use the toilet (or let outside under supervision if too young for a walk) Basic training will also be given such as sit, stay and lie down.

  • Please note these prices are for services 9am to 5pm monday to friday. Anything out of those hours will require a £5 call out fee.

Coming soon.

  • Doggy days out. Once a month i will post a slot with 5 available spaces. It will be on a first come first served basis. I will arrange a pick up time around 9am and take a group of Buddies out for the day, dropping them back off at 5pm. During this time we will go out to a local dog friendly area, play fun games and visit new places. Each dog will come back happy and ready for a nap after a pawesome day! £25. Please note if you require earlier pick up or late drop off it will be £5 extra per dog.
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